What Are People Saying?

"It is a beautiful book and I just wanted to thank you for your hard work and dedication. It will enjoy a permanent home in our cabin on Trout Lake. I especially liked the picture in the lower right panel on Page 109. As you probably know this dock/boathouse are a part of the Ruah B & B. (not sure if they still own it) My family and I vacationed here from 1952-1967). At that time, Ruah and two cabins along the lake were owned by a woman named Anne Gurion. This is where my love for Lake George began and remains to this day. I am very happy that both my children and their families share that love for the lake. Sorry for rambling on but your book brought back a lot great memories. I wish you great success with your book and am looking forward to your next endeavor."

-Jack Hoy

"I had written to you last week when I received your beautiful book but now that I’ve had a chance to look at it, your pictures are stunning and I love the layout. I had quite a surprise on page ## when I saw my brother’s boathouse on the upper right hand corner!"

-Suzanne DeRossi

"My daughter gave me a copy of “Boathouses of Lake George” and the family has really enjoyed it. Our camp is a bit over a mile north of Silver Bay, and it has been in our family for nearly a century. We began to use your book as a sort of treasure hunt, cruising the shoreline and taking pictures of your boathouses when we found them. At this point we have found all of the houses from Huletts Landing north on the east side and down to Sabbath Day point on the west side. All that is, but one. We can’t find the white boat house in the lower left corner of page 103. We’d like to complete our search of the northern basin before we head back to Miami for the winter. Are you able to help us find that boat house? By the way, this has not only been helpful for us, but we have had fun. Waving at people on their docks, letting them know we saw their dock in your book, and in one case getting invited to tie up and visit a while. They posed with your book and took down info so they can buy one. And… because I’ve taken my photos with an iPhone, I have the latitude and longitude of every boathouse I shot. When I finally get them all, I hope to make a map to help readers of my copy of the book go find some of their favorites."

-George Lawrence

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"Trinket Mason's keen-eyed camera has captured the soul of boathouse life on breathtaking Lake George. In this most enjoyable and comprehensive volume of rare photos, Mason has compiled a visual history of uniquely person structures that often serve as the welcoming port to the Queen of American Lakes."

-S.C. Meigher, Quest Media, Crown Island

Behind The Boathouse

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Boathouses of Lake George

People are used to viewing the beauty of the lake from the boathouse.  This book will give the reader another perspective of these wonderful structures, admiring them from the water.   We are going to take a slow journey around the shoreline, starting at Lake George Village and traveling all around the lake exploring bays and natural wonders along the way, providing bits of history and peeks at some of the wonders of nature here on the Queen of American Lakes.


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